'Teachers should aim high' Moyo speaks at the Better School Programme Provincial Merit Awards Ceremony
RLRDP presents at Conference on Reading Promotion and Storytelling for Children in South Africa.
RLRDP presentation on HIV & AIDS training workshop for librarians in Mashonaland West province.
Rural Libraries and Resources Development Programme. Copyright Reserved. Ó2008-2009
THE Rural Libraries Resources Development Project (RLRDP) has signed a memorandum of understating (MoU) with Farnebo, a Swedish organisation, to increase the engagement between ordinary people in terms of rural libraries.
RLRDP keen to host Swedish students
THE Rural Libraries Resource Development Project (RLRDP) might early next year host Swedish students who are interested in studying South Africa ahead of the 2010 Soccer World Cup to be held on African soil for the first time in history.